KML ARTISTS' BILL OF RIGHTS — Killing My Lobster - 20 Years of Comedy in San Francisco


You have a right to be here.

You have a right to a safe and supportive creative environment free from harassment, intimidation, discrimination, or violence of any kind, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, and ableism.

You have a right to be treated as a whole person, and with respect. 

You have a right to ask for what you emotionally and physically need in order to work, both via the Needs To Create Form and in general, and you have the right for those needs to change during the creative process.

You have a right to try new things, fail, succeed, and do both of those things repeatedly in a single night.

You have a right to speak up if you witness or otherwise experience inappropriate or harmful behavior from other performers, writers, directors, stage managers, and any and all other KML artists or staff members, or other employees in shared venues not working directly for KML, regardless of whether the harm was intentional or not. Behavior can be reported to any KML leaders even if they have not otherwise been working on the project directly, including Stage Managers, Directors, Head Writers, Operations Manager, or Executive Artistic Director.

You have a right to stay home when you’re sick (and you should!)

You have a right to acknowledge how personal, local, or world events, especially acts of violence, are impacting you and your capacity to be fully, healthily present in your work, and to have needs resulting from that impact met. This could include going home early, taking more breaks, having group or one-on-one discussions about how to move forward, or sitting out rehearsals, meetings, or other work which would be detrimental to your mental, physical, or emotional health. We do not expect you to silently grind through your pain for the sake of your art, and we do not promote the false narrative that such an act is necessary to the creative process.

You have the right to turn down any direction, note, role, or suggestion that makes you uncomfortable, or which you feel is in violation of KML’s Equitable Casting Guidelines.

You have a right to halt any meeting or rehearsal if you feel something dangerous or harmful could occur.

You have a right to have your stated pronouns used at all times in all spaces, including but not limited to writers meetings, rehearsals, tech, performances, marketing, and press releases and to correct those who get them wrong.

You have a right to have your name pronounced correctly, and to correct those who get it wrong.

You have the right to exercise any of the above without fear of repercussions or impact on any possible future opportunities with Killing My Lobster

You have the right to celebrate yourself and your peers. 

You have a right to propose edits to this list of rights, which can be sent to Stage Managers, Directors, Head Writers, Operations Manager, or Executive Artistic Director.